**While Mindfulness and Meditation have documented benefits, it is important for us to be aware that everyone may experience these practices differently, and many of us may experience feelings of unease and/or adverse experiences during or after these practices.
For further information on feelings of unease or adverse experiences, you're welcome to visit Cheetah House's website by clicking here.
Reads (these are just my personal favorites):
Mindfulness Programs and Curriculum:
Podcasts (names are live links):
Mindfulness Research Hubs (live links):
For further information on feelings of unease or adverse experiences, you're welcome to visit Cheetah House's website by clicking here.
Reads (these are just my personal favorites):
- Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn
- The Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff
- Peace is Every Step, Thich Nhat Hahn
- Lovingkindness, Sharon Salzberg
- The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, Dr. Chris Germer
- Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, David Treleaven
- The Inner Work of Racial Justice, Rhonda Magee
- Revolution of the Soul, Seane Corn
- Say What You Mean, Oren Jay Sofer
- My Grandmother’s Hands, Resmaa Menekam
- Mindful of Race, Ruth King
- Skill in Action: Radicalizing your Yoga Practice for a More Just World, Michelle Cassandra Johnson
- Radical Dharma, Angel Kyodo Williams, Lama Rod Owens, Jasmine Syedullah
- Buddha's Brain, Dr. Rick Hanson
- Strength in Stillness, Bob Roth
- The Zen of You and Me, Diane Musho-Hamilton
- Loving-Kindness in Plain English: The Practice of Metta, Bhante Gunarantana
- Meditations for Healing Trauma, Louanne David, PsyD
- Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy, David Emerson
- Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body, David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper, PhD
- Light on Pranayama: The Yogic Art of Breathing, BKS Iyengar
- Trauma-Informed Mindfulness with Teens: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals, Sam Himelstein
- The Heart of Yoga, Desikachar
- Yoga: The Spirit and the Practice of Moving into Stillness, Erich Schiffman
- Chakra Yoga: Anodea Judith (Also, Eastern Body, Western Mind)
- The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Healthcare, Khalsa et al.
Mindfulness Programs and Curriculum:
- A Still, Quiet Place Mindfulness Curriculum for Kids and Teens, Amy Saltzman
- Learning to Breathe Mindfulness Curriculum for Teens, Dr. Patricia C. Broderick
- Mindful Schools
- MindUp
- UMass Memorial Health Center for Mindfulness
- Mindfulness Center at Brown University
- Mindful Self-Compassion coursework
- Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness with David Treleaven
Podcasts (names are live links):
- On Being
- The One You Feed
- The Mindfulness Podcast with Dr. David Black from American Mindfulness Research Association (AMRA)
- Being Well Podcast with Dr. Rick Hanson
- Podcast Interviews on the Research of Adverse Experiences during Meditative practices
Mindfulness Research Hubs (live links):
- American Mindfulness Research Association (AMRA)
- Mind Body Awareness Project
- Brown University Mindfulness Research Center
- UMass Research
- UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)
- Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
- Mindful Self-Compassion Research
- Cheetah House: Resources and Support for Those with Adverse Meditation Experiences
- Dr. Britton's Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Lab (CLANlab) at Brown University
- Meditating in Safety
- Seek Safely Inc
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